
Showing posts from 2018

Unsuspected Findings or Two Girls in a Pool

Late July 2016, on a steamy near 100-degree day, I found myself at the nine-foot end of the pool, noodle around my neck, talking for hours with my cousin, best friend, and cohort, Dana. Exhausting numerous topics, Dana suddenly said, "Why don't you get an ancestral DNA test?" If anyone knows me, it is my cousin. She had a point. I would have fun with it. On the other hand, I am nothing if not impatient. Those tests take weeks to return results. I mentioned my hesitancy. She persisted--as she can do at times. I agreed to think about. Two weeks later I was spitting into a tube. Initially--immediately, two sections of the results stood out as odd. Oh, I knew there was German, both on my father's side and my maternal great-grandmothers. But 49%? My first assumption was the results were skewed somewhat. After all, the Sapps (maternal grandmother's family) and Sheldons (maternal grandfather's side) was almost entirely English. My percentage of Great Britain was onl